Friday, July 18, 2014

Fun In The Sun!

         My favorite part of this week was the bus ride to White Sands. We had to go to NASA for the Tech Trek feild trip. I can't believe that tomorrow is our last day. I am going to miss these girls and camp so much.

        Today I was in Life Science and it was the best class yet. I wish the we could have had that class more than once! I even got to take my own finger and lip prints so exciting!

        Our last group activity was a fun disaster. Lets just say we make a good human knot!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Second day of camp!

     Today my core class was Computer Science!! it was the most exciting one yet. I even got to make my OWN game!

     My first workshop was architecture! I was allowed to build my own structure\ plane as in house. It was so fun even though it fell apart!

     My second workshop was soil science! It was the coolest thing ever, we got to make and play with soil/mud! Totally worth it!!

     So overall today was honestly better than yesterday. I can't wait for tomorrow!

First day of class

     Core class: Engineering is very important for today's society. I am seriously considering becoming a CHEMICAL engineer.

     My workshop for 1:30 was Anatomy! WE got to dissect a frog and a crayfish! I know it sounds disgusting  but it was totally awesome!

     My last workshop was Picocrickets! I had tons of fun and learned so much about programming! Hope to do it again soon I love computers!